Apparatus Engineers Quick Reference (Q-Ref)
Item number:
Wildland Apparatus Engineers Quick Reference is a 35 page booklet with every formula you would need to handle everything in the wildland fire arena.
From simple hose-lay calcs to working with helicopter remote dip site operations and calculating the number of tenders required etc.
Now includes Thermal Capacities of Bambi Buckets!
- Foam Percentages
- Water Delivery Information. (Vol of water in a hose, travel time of water through a hose calculations, etc).
- Friction Losses for any size hose and hose layout
- Nozzle reaction force
- Travel time of water through a hose.
- Tender Shuttle relay pumping operations
- Round trip tender operator calculations
- Simple hose lay
- Progressive hose lay
- GPM calculations for various nozzles or open hose.
- Relay pumping operations
- Engine spacing determination
- Portable tank volumes
- Hose coefficients
- Energy release component
- Estimating Static Pressure
- Number of Tenders required for Remote SEAT/Helicopter Ops.
- Aircraft Data (Thermal Capacity an aircraft can bring to a fire)
- Determine Nozzle Diameter and pressure required
- Pump Displacement Calcs
- Time Speed and Distance Calculations for Knots, MPH & KPH.
- Thermal Capacities of Bambi Buckets