Understanding the Capacities of the Mark 3 Pump

SOLD OUT - BackOrdered Due Mar 17th
Item number: 40

Converted from digital to print media.  A 33 page booklet with; 

130lb satin covers

110lb satin pages

Size: 5.5" wide by 8.5" tall

Saddle Stiched


If you are looking for a alternative to the S-211, only on Sterioids, then this book is for you.

Covers the fundamentals how to calulate the basic Head, Friction Loss, Nozzle Pressure, pump spacing, etc, and if you are not concerned with the components of the Pump itself, then this book is the right choice. This book does NOT address Mark 3 pump components at all. The sole focus is on hydraulics as it pertains to the mark 3 and places emphasys on the pump curve and how to determine number of pumps, pump spacing, pump dead heading dangers etc.

This book shows you how Temperature rise in degrees F, per minute inside the pump chamber can be determined.

A pump with a 10hp Motor with a 1 gallon pump chamber capacity, can generate 50.8 degrees F per minute at dead head. If the temperature of the water you are drafting is 45 degrees, then in 3.2 minutes the water will be 212 deg F!


This book shows you the process of how to read and understand it's pump curve to make better decisions on the number and placement of Mark 3 or similiar pumps in the field.